Lions Night at The Ghost Pirates
EnMarket Arena 620 Stiles Avenue, Savannah, GAA special Thank You to Lion Rushe for putting this event together, you do not want to miss it! Join us at a Ghost Pirates hockey game in a special…
A special Thank You to Lion Rushe for putting this event together, you do not want to miss it! Join us at a Ghost Pirates hockey game in a special…
Our 2nd fundraiser in partnership with The Ghost Pirates. Tickets are NOT reserved specifically for Lions and their guests. They sell out quickly! As soon as the link is posted,…
Join us for a fun meeting where we outline our club's resolutions for the New Year!
Lions and their guests must notify the Secretary to ensure seats are available in the room, and that they are on the agenda, if necessary.
Lions are encouraged to promote and volunteer for the Vision Screening at The Savannah Center of Blind and Low Vision organized by Lion Lois Modell. Hours are from 1-4pm
Join us to hear special guest speaker Alderman Kurtis Purtee (Savannah District 6). He will share a little about what Lionism means to him through the legacy of his grandfather,…
Join us as we kick off the first evening meeting of 2024! To include members who can't attend lunch meetings, we are now hosting monthly evening meetings. Join us for…
The Lions Club does not meet today at The Pirates' House. See you at the Valentine's Dinner!
Location: The Pirates' House Time: Cocktails at 6pm, dinner to follow. This is a ticketed event. See Diane Lapsley for reservations and menu selection.
Lions and their guests must notify the Secretary to ensure seats are available in the room, and that they are on the agenda, if necessary.