Events List
10 events found.
Young Professional Lions & BNI, Noon, Kayak Cafe
Kayak Kafe 5002 Paulsen Street, Savannah, GA, United StatesFocused networking among professionals in a casual setting with serious results!
District 18-N Meeting, 10-2pm, The Lyons Depot
The Lyons Depot 254 West Liberty Street, Lyons, GAThe first District meeting of the year will be Saturday, August 13, at The Depot in Lyons, GA Topic: Coordination of District Service Projects The day starts with 2 training sessions: 10:00 Service Counts 11:00 Membership Lunch will be provided by the Lyons Lions Club; 1:00 Cabinet Meeting
Board Meeting, Noon, The Pirates’ House
The Pirates House 20 E Broad St, GA, United StatesYoung Professional Lions Networking Event, 5:30pm, Sweet Potatoes Kitchen
Sweet Potatoes Kitchen 531 Stephenson Avenue, Savannah, United StatesCANCELED Business Meeting, Noon, The Pirates’ House CANCELED
Due to memorial service of family member of Past President Sherri Denmark-Forbes, and 2nd Vice President Larry Forbes. Noon, Fox and Weeks, Hodgson Memorial Drive.
Young Professional Lions & BNI, Noon, Kayak Kafe
Kayak Kafe 5002 Paulsen Street, Savannah, GA, United StatesFocused networking among professionals in a casual setting with serious results!
Regular Meeting, Noon, The Pirates’ House
The Pirates House 20 E Broad St, GA, United StatesYoung Professional Lions & BNI, Noon, Rocky’s Deli
Rocky's Deli 7360 Skidaway Road, Savannah, GAFocused networking among professionals in a casual setting with serious results!